Thinkless Precision

You need to boost performance, bolster governance and drive impact. You also need to deliver the integrity that brings all 3 together.

You know ESG is coming, but what does it mean for you right now? How do you turn the intent of strategic outcomes into tangible results? How do you measure the meaning of impact? 

Turn your toughest problems and emerging challenges into unrivalled integrity with Thinkless Precision.

Know Better. Do better.

Go beyond performance with Business Integrity

Your focus on performance is a given, but is that enough? In an increasingly challenging economic climate that brings additional complexities with emerging ESG demands, you just need your organisation to be tougher, faster, cleaner, better. You need Thinkless Precision.

Better decisioning, planning and reporting is just the start. Better impact on your people, your customers, your community and your planet is where the biggest benefits are realised. Your challenges to perform, govern and make an impact are tougher than ever, which calls for the toughest experts to get you there – with integrity.

With increasing demands in regulations, consumer sentiment, impact investors and competitors who are also thinking ahead, you need to get an edge. With Thinkless Precision, go beyond the numbers of performance or the controls of governance to unthinkable levels of business integrity throughout your value chains.

Precision that brings business integrity without a thought. That’s Thinkless.

What Roadblocks Are Standing in the Way of Change?

You may not have a single major problem, but like many organisations who rely on spreadsheets and slide decks to make sense of how you’re performing or governing, the variables quickly add up. Whether you’re battling data inaccuracies, costly rework, disparate sources and files, or  inefficiencies leading to untimely – and often costly – plans and reports, you know you have to do better.

Your performance drivers may indicate your results, while governance may constrain certain parts of your business. Making meaningful impacts is often put into the too hard basket as it’s too complex and variable – and ultimately costly. Your workforce may be unknowingly burning out from the reactive deadlines and troubleshooting. There has to be an easier way, and with Thinkless Precision, you have the experts and technologies you need to achieve unrivalled levels of business integrity.

It’s time to leverage the latest technologies with a team of specialised experts to take the tough stuff off your plate, eliminating variables and reducing friction while maximising benefits for everyone – from your board to your executives, through to people leaders, your workforce, supply chains and customers, Thinkless Precision brings integrity to every link in your value chains.

Whether you’re starting to feel the pressures of more disparate data sources, you’ve had enough of data inaccuracies or have an executive mandate to do better, we’re here to help your business level up.

Your business demands have already called for experts and an array of technologies that cover reporting, planning and probably some analytics in between. But is it enough? When it’s time to do better, go further, make a bigger impact, and drive better decisions, you need to think beyond the status quo of tools and technologies. You need a partner who not only respects how you got here, but knows how you can achieve unthinkable levels of business integrity. Whether you need an uplift in performance, bolster governance or measure your impact throughout your value chains, Thinkless Precision gets integrity.

Driven by results, you already know the importance of performance reporting. But in the current economic climate, and with an even tougher road forming ahead, you need more. With complex demands coming from ESG, impact investors, conscious customers and disruptive competitors, you need more than just a tech stack to get you through. You need new levels of business integrity that only Thinkless Precision can bring. 

When it’s time to go from performance to precision, it’s time to step up with Thinkless.

With so many demands and opportunities arising from ESG, AI, and other emerging domains, it’s tough to know where to start let alone where to go. Whether it’s a response to regulatory change, a commercial edge, or brand reputation, knowing better is just the start. With Thinkless Precision, you can turn emerging demands and opportunities into unthinkable results.

Unlike established markets and technologies, emerging domains such as ESG and AI have no historical standards. There are very few established best practices – if any – and metrics are limited at best. Emerging domains don’t naturally integrate with established governance, reporting, planning or management systems, and are often convoluted by legislation enforcement delays and political debate. It’s time to know better than your competitors. It’s time for Thinkless Precision.

With Thinkless experts at the forefront of emerging domains such as ESG and AI, you’ll have what you need to get ahead whilst your competitors are pondering their next move. Whether it’s proactively getting set with climate-related financial disclosures, finding ways to artificially detect, recognise or learn data-driven events, or systemising psychosocial hazard controls, the better prepared you are, the more integrity you’ll have.

With Thinkless Precision, don’t wait for others to make the first move.

With Precision comes Integrity

Your business is heading into more demanding economic and ESG times, which calls for levels of integrity that only precision technologies can provide. You need unparalleled control over your production, operating and management systems by dynamically orchestrating different areas of your business according to your specific commercial and ESG drivers. To achieve this, the Thinkless suite of Precision Technologies leverage the power of AI to collect and integrate large amounts of data, detect variations and deviations on-the-fly, recognise patterns and trends as they happen, and dynamically learn across a range of business functions, bringing unthinkable levels of integrity well beyond conventional performance management and reporting solutions.

It’s time to go beyond convention with Thinkless Precision.

our organisation needs to adapt and respond to ESG demands and opportunities. Your investors, shareholders, customers, workforce and regulators are all putting their ESG agendas forward with varying levels of pressure and consequences. And you already know that your competitors are already thinking ahead. Whatever sector your business is in, you need to turn complexity and confusion into unthinkable levels of integrity. It’s time to drive your own agenda forward with Precision ESG.

ESG is tough and complex. No longer a siloed concept, ESG needs to be embedded into your entire strategy by integrating measurable performance, governance and impact drivers throughout your value chains – with zero variability.

This is where Precision ESG comes in. With a comprehensive suite of Precision Technologies, we help you understand what ESG means for your shareholders, workforce, suppliers and customers – equipping you with zero variability and new levels of business integrity that only Precision ESG can provide.

Whether you’re ESG-curious, or have an affirmative intent, when you’re ready to turn ESG strategies into real-world results, you’re ready for Precision ESG. It’s your time to do better business with Thinkless Precision.

You need to crunch numbers from multiple data sources, fast. You need intuitive financial data visualisations and simplicity powered by AI, now. You need to go beyond the convention of financial performance management to unthinkable levels of financial integrity. You need Precision Finance.

Financial performance on its own is no longer enough. Only with Precision Finance can you combine the power of performance with the rigour of governance and the effects of impact, creating unthinkable alignment between financial plans, strategic objectives and commercial imperatives.

It’s time for you to eliminate manual spreadsheet modelling, reduce forecasting and month end processes, predict financial impacts and analyse and manage your financial data with unrivalled precision. It’s time for Precision Finance.

You are faced with an increasingly complex talent landscape where your workforce is becoming more agile, distributed, diversified and on-demand.

Finding the right talent, optimising employee engagement and retention, and aligning HR with business goals is just the start with Precision Workforce. By leveraging the power of AI, your organisation can use Precision Workforce to improve decisioning, align strategic priorities and successfully evolve workforce planning strategies based on your specific business needs. By creating precise AI-guided workforce plans and gap analyses, you can achieve unthinkable levels of workforce integrity by systemising multi-faceted management processes including employment, salary, bonuses, headcounts, benefits planning and workers compensation.

Now you can go beyond hunches and assumptions to precision-levels of staffing metrics, risk exposure, job market trends and talent gap impacts. It’s time to workforce smarter, not harder with Workforce Precision.

Know better, do better with Thinkless Precision.

Thinkless Tracker + Addressing Roadblocks
= Unlocked integrity for your domain.

True Integrity is tough. No Integrity is tougher.

It’s no longer enough to just plan or report on performance. You need to stay relevant and get an edge with business integrity. This means you need to plan, report and make decisions with precision. It’s your way to show shareholders, your workforce and customers that you’re serious about doing business better, with zero variability and full transparency. This means the right balance of performance, governance and impact to take your business to unthinkable levels of accountability, transparency and ultimately reputation as being better, by doing better. Be better with Thinkless Precision.

Whether you need to break down profitability streams in finite detail, translate big data into actionable insights, or thinklessly curate what-if scenarios to allow faster, precise forecasting, Precision Planning eliminates variability and delivers unthinkable levels of integrity to intuitively guide your teams through even the toughest planning challenges.

Precision Planning takes your planning and forecasting capabilities to unthinkable levels, providing unrivalled control and flexibility. You need to go beyond a stack of tools that ‘do reporting’, to a flexible and seamless planning framework that intuitively adapts to your unique business performance, governance and impact needs. With AI-enabled precision technologies built-in, Precision Planning is the only way to cut out variability and balance the integrity of your business planning capabilities.

Fail to plan, plan to fail. With Precision Planning, don’t leave your planning or forecasting to chance. Know better, do better with Thinkless.

Have the most all-in-one reporting and financial analytics capabilities at your fingertips. By bringing all your data into one place so it can be collaborated on by all your users, you can generate reports efficiently and rapidly with unthinkable precision.

Unlock a range of different processes that autonomously cut out variability to achieve more consistent, accurate results with unrivalled integrity. Let Precision Reporting do the routine tasks and let your people focus on driving business integrity through balanced performance, governance and impact reporting. It’s time to go beyond having reporting tools to doing Precision Reporting.

It’s time to unlock the power of data and drive better decisions at unthinkable levels of integrity. For starters, you need to make every engagement, interaction, and workflow self-optimising. Making precise decisions in real-time calls for a combination of Precision Technologies and Decisioning capabilities. Precisioning unifies real-time events to senses changes everywhere as they unfold, so you can adapt and respond on-the-fly – with precision.

Whether it’s delivering seamless, relevant, empathetic experiences wherever your customer is in their journey, driving faster, more personalised sales and service, or making processes and workflows smarter, less manual, and more streamlined, Thinkless Precisioning is your path to decisioning integrity.

Make smarter decisions, faster with Precisioning. It’s your time to think smarter with Thinkless Precision.

Business Integrity that benefits everyone

Leveraging the power of algorithms, machine learning, and cognitive computing is no longer a futuristic concept. Precision holds the key to innovation, and if your organisation is looking to improve efficiency, reduce costs and eliminate variability, Thinkless Precision is here to set new standards for scalability and accuracy for your business.

How can your boardroom get fast answers to even the toughest questions? How can your executive leadership turn insights into action? And how can your culture unleash innovation? With Thinkless Precision, everyone can know better, to do better.

In a business climate marked by ever-evolving regulations and ever-increasing scrutiny from investors and shareholders to employees and customers through to regulators themselves, your board is under more pressure than ever to maintain compliance and demonstrate transparency. And to top it off, effective board reporting can be hampered by poorly integrated or ineffective information systems leading to poor or lagging decisions that often have severe downstream impacts. 

Thinkless Precision integrates data from multiple internal and external sources, making sure the right information flows to your board members, at the right time – with precision. It’s time to empower your board to mitigate misconduct and uphold ethical standards, seamlessly embedding a culture of unwavering accountability. By safeguarding stakeholder interests and fortifying public trust, get on board with Thinkless Precision.

With the advancements in AI and automation, being data-informed has never been more accessible. When you’re responsible for balancing business performance, governance and impact, as an executive you can no longer afford to rely on gut instinct or slide decks.  You need the right information, at the right time to galvanise the decisions that keep your company profitable, compliant, competitive and resilient. You need to go beyond just executive reporting to a new state of play – Thinkless Precision.

As an executive your job is tough enough let alone having outdated, overly complex or inaccessible executive dashboards. It’s even tougher when you find your executive team scrambling to make clear business cases or prove ROI. Without the right information, at the right time, poor decisions and missed opportunities can quickly compound and spiral.

It’s time to precisely examine trends, spot risks, evaluate market opportunities, and maximise your brand reputation. It’s time for executive action with Thinkless Precision.

With the AI and automation built into Thinkless Precision, get ready to experience a realm of new possibilities that not only improve your operational efficiency, but foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation. By removing the shackles that come along with routine tasks and disjointed information, Thinkless Precision liberates your people from the daily grind to unleash a culture that cares about value, resilience and ultimately business integrity.

When you make the shift to Thinkless Precision, you’re bringing a heightened emphasis on data-driven decision-making. By cultivating a culture where data literacy and analytical mindsets are the new norm, you can pave the way for more collaborative organisational dynamics. With unthinkable levels of collaboration comes openness, transparency and trust, where breaking down even the toughest functional silos unleashes interdisciplinary teamwork like never before.

Go beyond the mechanics of workforce efficiency to a culture of continuous improvement, creativity and innovation. Go beyond with Thinkless Precision.

The Thinkless Tracker

Delivering certainty

Rating and proving your integrity by measuring your:


Your ability to optimise against your planning


Your practices, systems and controls against regulation


The effect your strategy has on your stakeholders

Precision Resource Hub

Discover the latest precision insights, events and news to help safeguard your integrity.

Mar Galcerán has made history as the first politician to be elected in Spain living with Down syndrome. She joins just a couple of others across the world, making great strides for the representation of people with intellectual disabilities.
In the wake of Australia’s proposed law mandating climate reporting for large and medium-sized enterprises, many in the business community are pondering its implications. Treasurer Jim Chalmers believes that these new climate-related disclosure requirements will help, “maximise the economic opportunities of cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy and manage climate change risks”.
Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah’s lack of concern for employee well-being raises significant red flags, especially from a mental health perspective.

Safeguard your integrity now. Book a discovery session.

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